May 14, 2021
Bringing history to life in small town Saskatchewan. Following a request to bring some interest to a Middle Ages topic for Dinsmore Composite School, we recently delivered an online workshop to 21, Grade 9 students via Zoom, and were so blown away by the feedback we just had to share it. Here are the comments from teacher, Karen Blackwell Jones and her students. Kevin Hicks' Medieval Times presentation was engaging, entertaining, and enlightening. He solidified students' learning and added great bits of trivia and enriching stories that one would never find in a textbook...interesting material that makes history memorable to students. Kevin's presentation was perfectly crafted to appeal to the Grade 9 mindset: he was funny and grabbed students' attention with wit and humour, but he was also so clearly experienced and knowledgeable that students couldn't help but be engaged. His prowess with the longbow and crossbow ensured that everyone paid attention...and the little bit of gore in his King Henry story made a great impression!! All the kids were impressed with his story, his wisdom, and his skills...and all the students commented on how funny Mr. Hicks is! We will invite Kevin to join our classroom again virtually as soon as possible, and I hope we can welcome him live to our school soon so they can meet him in person and see his skills in action firsthand. Here is a compilation of the kids' comments: “What I liked”: I liked all the stuff from Medieval times that Mr. Hicks showed: the flute, sword, bows, and different shapes of an arrowhead. My favourite parts would be when you would smile and give a thumbs-up when you made a funny comment! I liked your humour and I liked your props that you used in your presentation. I liked the jokes and Mr. Hicks’ enthusiasm. Everything we learned was quite interesting, and I found everything pretty insightful. Looking at history books and stuff is cool, but I like that he kind of had a different take on things and some cool stories to tell. I liked how you put humour into your explanations and how you can make the presentation enjoyable. I liked how entertaining the presentation was. The information that we learned gave us a wider knowledge of the Middle Ages, and the jokes that were thrown in during the presentation were hilarious! Mr. Hicks was very informative, clever, and funny. I enjoyed his Middle Ages presentation. I loved the whole presentation! It was very interesting and taught me many things I probably would have gone my whole life not knowing about! I enjoyed watching you shoot your crossbow and longbow, and I wish we could have seen you do it in person. You’re very good! It was very fun to watch, and I was never bored. All the jokes made it very entertaining! “What I learned”: I learned that honey can treat your wound, that there are different types of arrows, that arrows are DEADLY, and the story about King Henry V who was hit by an arrow to the face during battle! I learned a lot: all the weapons and armour, castles, all the information about the Middle Ages. I feel now that I know more about this. I learned that as a woman in the Middle Ages, you could be anything…depending on what your husband did. I learned just how helpful pure honey can really be in medicine, and a lot about how castles work. I also learned some cool things about weapons, armour, and war in the Middle Ages. I learned how to use those Medieval crossbows and longbows, and about how they used to do things back in the Middle Ages. I learned how they operate their territorial grounds, what they did with manure back in the day, how strong the armour was, and the story of King Henry V. I learned about the weapons used in the Middle Ages such as the longbow and crossbow. I also learned about how they performed surgeries in Medieval times. I learned about the food that was eaten by people in the Middle Ages. I learned about how in a battle the men who shot the large crossbow needed cover because it took a long time to load. I also learned that honey is an amazing healing source back in Medieval times when they didn’t have antibiotics. I learned how powerful an arrow…even without an arrowhead…can be (Don’t challenge a bowman!) “What could have made this presentation better”: Nothing because it was amazing. Keep on trucking, buddy! I loved that presentation. I'd like to have heard what every level in society wore and what it was made out of. I found it pretty enjoyable, so I would only suggest adding a few more examples. It would have been cool if we got to see you using the weapons in person. Probably if it was in person, but because of Covid this presentation was really good. Maybe if you said a little more about yourself, for example how old you were when you became a soldier and police officer, but other than that, it was great! (I loved your dog!) Kevin has delivered thousands of dynamic presentations and workshops around the world for over 25 years, and continues to do so. If you’d like to talk about a presentation for your Social Studies class, either virtually or in-school, contact History Squad and bring history to life.